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The Beautiful and Simple Street Cat of Brazil. Brazilian Shorthair Cat Breed

The Story Behind the Origin of the Brazilian Shorthair

The Brazilian Shorthair Cat was first seen in the Brazilian streets after being brought by Portuguese sailors in 1500 CE. This breed’s establishment is the work of Paulo Samuel Ruschi, a Brazilian engineer who was the first to take an interest in the Brazilian Shorthair’s genetics and appearance. Paulo bred various street cats to create several breeds of cats. The World Cat Federation first recognized the Brazilian Shorthair as a pure cat breed in 1998. Although the Brazilian Cat’s popularity is growing, the breed has not yet received recognition from TICA and CFA.

The Brazilian Shorthair is very popular street cat of Brazil.

The Appearance of the Brazilian Shorthair

What Does This Brazilian Cat Look Like?

The Brazilian Shorthair Cat has a vast body; their weigh range is about 11-20 pounds. They are longer than their height and are muscular but not too sticky. The Brazilian Shorthair has pointed, large ears set apart significantly and large eyes. Eye color: green, gold, yellow. As their name suggests, these Brazilian cats have short and sleek fur and little undercoat. It means they don’t shed coats as much as other breeds of cats.

The Brazilian Shorthair can be of any color. These felines can be grey, brown, white, black, cream, or red. They can be colored and patterned, including calico, tabby, solid, tuxedo, tortoiseshell or bi-colored. An unmixed Brazilian Shorthair cannot resemble the “points” coat pattern, which is a cat with a darker face, tail, and legs.

The breed is different from the American Shorthair by its sleek and elegant appearance. The Brazilian Shorthairs also not as thin as the Siamese cats.

The Personality of the Brazilian Shorthair Cat and Its Significant Habits Compared With Other Breeds

The Brazilian Cat is outgoing and friendly. It loves interacting with humans and other household pets like dogs. This feline requires attention; it needs affection and playtime, which means it is comfortable around playful children. The Brazilian Shorthair likes to cuddle with their favorite human when their playtime is over. It would be best if you stocked your house with several toys to keep your Cat busy. Just like other cats, the Brazilian Shorthair cat also likes tree climbing. It is curious so it will explore and exercise most of the time. They have high intelligence and a medium tendency to vocalize.

How Long Do The Brazilian Cats Live?

A typical Brazilian cat will live for 14-20 years. However, these cats require medical attention if issues like ear infections or obesity arise. The Brazilian Shorthair has no common health complications, but if they develop an illness during their existence, it will help if you seek help from a veterinarian.

The Brazilian Cat Diet and Nutrition

Most cats have preferences for their dietary requirements; they need high protein, low fats, and carbohydrates. The Brazilian Shorthair feeds like other cats. Adult cats may need two meals daily, while kittens will be provided 3 to 4 times daily. It is best to avoid overfeeding your Cat so that it cannot develop obesity.

How You Should Care For the Brazilian Cat

Because these cats are playful, it would help if you established a playground for them. Create cat trees and scratch posts to ensure your Cat is entertained and happy. Its grooming is simple; it cannot be hypoallergenic because of its short hair. You can brush their coat once weekly, regularly brush their teeth, and take good care of their nails and ears.

Interesting Facts Concerning Brazilian Shorthair Cats

Many people believe that the Brazilian street cats that make up this breed’s foundation originated in Portugal.

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