Online Cat Memorial – Page 1

From: Meg W
Cat Breed: Orange Tabby
Story: I once had the two most loving boys in the world. We rescued Ed and Ralph (named after “The Honeymooners”) from an animal shelter in 1992 before they were put to sleep (their age was approximately 3 years old). The shelter said either they went as a couple, or they did not go at all. No one else wanted these two love bugs, so my father brought them home. They were the best boys anyone could ever ask for. Ed was the quiet type that would sit in the sun and ponder. Ralph was the loud type that always wanted attention – his meow even sounded like he was saying his name, and you could have a full conversation with him!  Ed had the loudest purr I have ever heard. Happy, sad, or just content, he always purred. If you were lucky, you could catch these two sitting at opposite ends of the piano like bookends. When I was sick as a child, I could always count on my boys to come and snuggle up with me until I felt better.

Ed passed away in his sleep on November 2, 2010 from a heart attack. In 2008 the vet found a heart murmur after we brought him in because of a seizure, and told us to bring him home and love him as long as we could. We did just that.

After Ed passed away Ralph was never the same. He stopped meowing as much, and slept more than usual. He still liked to snuggle with me on the couch and watch TV, but I knew he was sad without Ed around.

On May 13, 2011 Ralph passed away. Unlike Ed, he did not pass in his sleep. The vet explained it as heart failure, in which areas of his heart gave out one after the other until he could no longer eat, walk, meow, and then sadly passed away.

Our boys are buried under an oak tree in our front yard. A concrete angel kitty stands watch over their loving souls. We will miss Ed and Ralph forever, but never forget the paw prints they left on our hearts.

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