cat breeds world for cat lovers

Cymric Cat Breed, a Semi-long-haired Variety of the Manx

The first cat was domesticated before 7500BC in Near East present-day Egypt and Turkey. From ancient times, animals’ domestication was more than a financial or status issue; people formed close relationships with their respective pets until they were part of their families. A cat is a perfect example of one of the most lovable animals, and today we are going to focus our attention on the Cymric cat breed.

Origins and History of This Feline Breed

Before the end of 2020, there were more than 70 breeds of cats. It is difficult to trace each of them back to their origin, but as a matter of fact, most cats originated from Near East. Cymric cats fall under the category of tailless Manx cats, which originated from the Isle of Man.

According to records from the Isle of Man, Cymric cats began evolving as short-tailed felines with semi-long hair before the 1960s. At the same time, they were deemed as an unwanted breed of cats; hence most people shunned them from their homes. Cymric cats were dubbed as Manx Mutants and Longhaired Manx by Canadian breeders before exhibiting their current name.

Pioneer cat breeders Blair Wright and Leslie Falteisek officially named the controversial Longhaired Manx, Cymric cat breed in the mid-70s. This official name finally brought down the curtains of doubts which made folks hate this fantastic feline. 4 decades later, many championship organizations were formed to defend Cymric cats’ interests; a perfect example is The United Cymric Association, formed in 1976.

Cymric Cat Breed

Though their fur and eye color patterns may differ from one cat to another, all Cymric cats fall under the same gene pool. There are no recorded subdivisions of Cymric cat breeds unless scientists provide new results sometime in the future.

The Physical Appearance of Cymric Cats

A male Cymric weighs more than 12 lbs. while a female stands at less than 11 lbs. which is the average weight for most pet cats. Most Cymric cats have a fluffy coat taking on a multitude of colors. Common colors include white, blue, silver, red, and brown, which form patterns.
The tailless dimple at the end of the spine is the most remarkable feature of this cat. It’s not only used to differentiate Cymric from other breeds but also it is the secret to its stunning body shape. Like the fur and taillessness, these cats have distinctive eye colors. Amber, copper, hazel, and green eye colors are not a rare sighting but, there are some in-betweens colors you might as well observe when you visit a cat breeder.

Cymric Cats’ Social Life

Cymric cats aren’t playful, but they keep their activities at a moderate level compared to other cat breeds. They are known for gentle disposition and loyalty. They are also extremely sociable with other pets, especially their canine counterparts, and they rarely get into trouble. Furthermore, they are easy to train and get along quickly with strangers. Just like dogs, Cymric cats don’t like to be left alone for long hours since they love attention.

There is no significant difference between Cymric and other cats as they share almost a similar decent social life. They are docile creatures and tend to avoid conflict while playing with dogs. But, each cat has unique personalities depending on training and environment.


A Cymric will clock a decade to 14 years if their social life is well taken care of and live in good conditions.

Note: Cymric cats have a gullible appetite, and if you don’t check their diet, they will easily become obese.

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